Interested in Donating?

Donate Your Car to the Graffiti USA Classic Car Museum!
If you have a car you'd like to donate, consider giving it to our
non-profit organization.

Contact us

Your donation will help support our continued
construction and development as a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.

Last year, we received over 20 vehicle donations! Some were added to our
permanent collection, while others were sold to car enthusiasts throughout the United States.

Our Car Sales team works hard to make sure every donated vehicle is put to
good use. They offer their services and expertise on a volunteer basis.


Since 2022, our vehicle donation program has raised over $250,000 towards
our continued construction efforts. It's all thanks to the generosity of
donors like you.

To donate your car, you have two options. You can donate now, and we'll put
your vehicle to immediate use to support our mission. 
We offer full service

DMV transfers and donation receipts, which may be tax deductible.
Alternatively, you can include us in your will, and we'll receive the
vehicle as a donation after your passing.

We appreciate any support you can offer our museum, whether it's through a
car donation or simply spreading the word about our mission.
Thank you for considering donating your car to our museum!